blue blood的词源
- blue blood (adj.)

- 1809 in reference to the blood that flows in the veins of the old and aristocratic families of Spain, translating Spanish sangre azul, claimed by certain families of Castile as uncontaminated by Moorish or Jewish admixture; the term is probably from the notion of the visible veins of people of fair complexion. In reference to English families by 1827. As a noun, "member of an old and aristocratic family," by 1877.
源自西班牙语。从公元前8世纪到1492年西班牙的大部是在信奉伊斯兰教的摩尔人(Moors)的统治之下的。摩尔人乃北非柏柏尔人(Berbers)与阿拉伯人的混血后代。在摩尔人的统治临近结束时,卡斯蒂利亚地区(Castile)那些未同摩尔人发生血缘关系的,自命血统纯正的西班牙贵族认为,其静脉较之深肤色的摩尔人或混血人更呈蓝色,因此血也似乎是蓝色的。他们以sangre azul(蓝血)来说明自己的出身比别人高贵,译成英语即为blue blood,寓意为“贵族出身”,常见于have /with blue blood in one's veins(有贵族血统)这两个短语中,有时也做复合词blue-blooded.英国人现在也把剑桥,牛津等名牌大学称为blue-brick universities(蓝砖大学)也与此有关。
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